WAITROSE!! Honestly what is the world coming too? I politely pointed out to him that he was going the wrong way up a one way parking lane. If I hadn't braked quickly he would have hit me and he was in...
I had to take a reading from my gas meter which is situated below ground level in my garden. When I lifted the lid it was filled with water almost to the top. I had to get a jug and empty it to below...
and I am having a problem reinstalling it. This is what I get on the screen when I try downloading: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is...
My son and his wife have just been scammed for £3k and are in bits. It's the scam where the scammer sends you a cheque for more than the price of the deal and you give them the difference and then...
I have looked at the Ryobi RBV3000, the Bosch ALS2500 and the Flymo Scirocco 3000, and none of them have 5 star reviews. May garden is small and I don't mind spending up to £100. Anybody got a good...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/isis-hostage-threat-which-countries-pay-ransoms-to-release-their-citizens-9710129.html Sorry I've moved this to News where I meant to put it...
can be bought in the UK? I can find it on Amazon and Ebay but it all comes from the US or Canada and attracts high postage costs. The tube I have is from 2008, brought back from the States by a friend...
Watch La Traviata live from Glyndebourne via the Telegraph website, link attached. It will become live at 5.45pm. I hope Emmie sees this as she should enjoy it if she's well enough....
from eating all my cherries? I was advised by Ratty2E on my earlier thread to net my cherry tree but since then my neighbour has told me a squirrel has been eating them as well....
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2676481/Has-Sollecito-INCRIMINATED-Amanda-Knox-death-Meredith-Kercher-He-changes-story-deny-ex-lover-night-British-girl-killed.html Why now I wonder and is he...
Hope they enjoyed them because they are not getting them next year if I can help it. A week ago the tree was loaded and my daughter and I were admiring how good it looked in its first year in my new...