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on this site, and I suspect someone who inhabits here frequently is somehow getting accounts banned, dotty, 4get and myself have once again bitten the dust. Fine, if you dislike us (whoever you are)...
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yesterday i went to heaton park with my friend and her two year old little girl, wewere sat on the grass when an oldish guy takes a picture i thought he took it over us but he then moved forward and...
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I've recently been doing-up an office block. While I was there a get well soon card came round & I was asked to sign it. The card was for a woman who'd just had a hysterectomy, & I put "I never knew...
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I've been banned again, I've emailed you twice now Ed- can you have a fiddle with whatever it is that needs fiddlin' with and get me out? Thank you
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Hi, im in a situation where i really dont know what to do, ive been with my boyfried for 2 years and we are currently buying a house, we put an offer in, it was accepted, now just getting all the...
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is max a guy or a girl ? thanks in advance : -)
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valid question i think. so happy birthday . whio are you ?
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women strange creatures. whilst beautiful , and sensitive , caring , very good at mothering , sexually desireable to men , and even some other women , a great source of love and comfort. so why is it...
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I have been a member here for about 2 days now and I have been watching for about 2 weeks, can you tell me a little something about yourselfs just to get an idea of what everyones like? Thanks. Ill go...
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ever been so low in your lifethat you thought it was just a waste of time?a question i posted last nighty made me think.look back to a low time in your life.a really bad things cant get any worse sort...
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have you ever thought ."wtf is going on " ever had one of those days ?or worse still one of those weeks or even worse years? did you think " sh1t aint gonna get any better only worse" ? well ive been...
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Hi am new to this site and I have a few problems concerning life partners, is this the best place to post? Thank you
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Mr me came round tonight and declared that he wanted a divorce...he put a spin on it saying that I would benefit (tax credits etc) I know that he's living away,but this makes me think there's someone...
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Everytime I go to reply to a thread it disappears. Give it a rest whoever you are. No need for it.
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so youre getting divorced. theres tempers , tantrums. accusations and counter accusations. but when alls said and finally done , why do we need to be so damned nasty to each other? youd thionk wed be...
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AB Asks
Research has announced that kissing means more to women than men. Women use it to assess a man as a partner, maintaining intimacy and for checking the status of a relationship. Do you agree with this?...
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im feeling so lonely :( i dont wanna go to bed alone and i cant stop feeling sad. anyone else lonely?
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how many did you have, did you pass first time?
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just watching the most amazing fireworks display for the last 15 minutes the skys lit up. and its still going on . amazing
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If your long term relationship ended (by your partner) and you in your head knew it was going nowhere, but you still thought about him. Do you think its better trying to get back out dating again...

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