Hi. I am moving soon and would love to buy a property. My credit history is not good so what are my chances of getting a mortgage and how do I find out how much I could get and what repayments would...
Back in March I moved out of my parents house & in with my boyfriend, his best mate & his best mates dad. We all moved in at the same time & all our names are on the lease....
My cats have a habit of leaving their breakfast food in the bowl untill I come home from workin the evening, and then eat it all when they are sure that I am home to give them some more. I think it is...
Hi I am 9 weeks pregnant and have got a new fitted kitchen, and new carpets and seatie, I can not go in the kitchen or the living room because the smell of new carpets/kitchen is so strong its making...
Can anyone answer a question which my husband and I have been arguing about for years. The query is how to overtake correctly on the motorway. His thoery is that you put your indicator on and then sit...
Has anyone with a perfectly respectable job/house given up everything to change direction? Am about to do this. Part of me questions my sanity, and the other part thinks life is for living, and I am...
I seem to have a colony of honey bees living in a disused chimney in my house. However many of them seem to be very lethargic and loads of them are dying. Anyone got any advice...
I got a brother and sister from the cat home last weekend and was told that they'd been happily eating both wet and dry food. However, they both seem to have had diarroea for the last few days .......
I am not an avid reader...but I have a job now that presents me with quite a bit of free time...what book would you all say I absolutely should read?? I usually like Fiction and I need something that...
Does anybody know of the book where theres a blue monster that looks like a wave? that ate things, at one point it became a tunnel and just swallowed every car that drove in, but it had someone with...
What are the commonest cliches of the murder mystery genre? Either, flim, TV or book? Either in character, plot, etc For example, there's frequently a showdown in the Living Room where the detective...
im 14 and have tiny boobs and all my friends take the micky out of me and i hate going out coz all i think about how horrible tops look on me are there any foods, exercises or anything to help me...
A former mate left my school. Since leaving we have gone, erm lets just say in different directions and we are not really clicking anymore (in my opinion). Problem is this...
I often order take away food and if I don't eat it all I tend to put it in the fridge and eat it the next day. I often judge whether or not to save it on how fresh it tasted because some take aways...
a long shot: around 1989, i saw the end of a kid's tv programme where the presenter was talking about human poo. He was crouched down by a river and i was dumbstruck when he showed a...
my fears are sharks from watching jaws as a child and birds/feathers which i have no idea where or when this fear came about. Got me thinking what do other ABers fear and how did they come about. My...
I am going on holiday this summer and want to lose my belly. For the last 3 months I have been excercising regularly - usually some decent excercise at least twice a week. I have...
As some of you may know i split up with my boyfriend two and a half weeks ago, I have days where i feel down and others when i feel ok, yesterday i had a great day and felt good and happy for the...