Why have Radio 1 done away with great acts like Mark and Lard, and brought in rubbish like Vernon Kay, and J K and Joel. These people just do not have any personality whatsoever. Although i have to...
I have whistled when in a good mood for as long as I can remember but now seem to be the only whistler left on the planet. Why ? Oh, I'm 72 years old. Thats a clue.
I think i'm alone on this one but does anyone else agree that Michael Parkinson is overrated. He seems like a very sweet man and i have nothing against him but he is regarded as a...
Do actors sometimes have intercourse in love scenes?(obviously not refering to pornographic films)For example that scene in irreversible seemed quite authentic as regards to the...
What are your most annoying adverts? I hate the norwich union one where the bloke is jibbering on about his 'car insuwance!' and the for nationwide (think its nationwide) where that big bloke keeps...
what is the mans accent supposed to be in the ad for the 99p menu ? the one with the wishing well token and win a holiday home for free, at first i thought it was swedish,then he sounds mexican, then...
is it possible for a band to have 3 elctrics guitarists + lead singer + bassist + drums, keyboard etc, just wonderin why u never see it? im sure a clever band cud make it work, r there ne...
Does anyone else out there feel that the tv/media isnt putting the same effort into providing women with something nice to look at on tv as they do for men? For example - (does anyone else find this...
What is the general opinion out there of Norfolk, and in particular of the people of Norfolk. Are they all seen as farmers saying "ooarr ooarr" or is it just other Nor-folk that think that?!
Why do some ABers feel the need to get involved in every topic. Even if it just to say 'you are right' or 'I was just about to say that' Is this interjection necessary? Does this annoy anyone else?
I remember as a kid in the 70s these adverts use to appear warning about the dangers of playing with matches, talking to strangers (Charlie says...). The worst was the kid whose frisbee lands on a...
This has been asked countless times before, but I think it's valid because new members are coming and old members are going constantly. If you could have a "one-to-one" with any AnswerBanker, who...