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Does a laptop need to be a certain type for wireless internet? i was thinking of getting this one but i dont know if you can use wireless with it.
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Hi, I've just bought a new PC game, how do I install it so I don't need the disc when I play it??? Thanks Lou
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Who voices monkey in the PJ Tips adverts with Jonny Vagas - Is it Ben Miller? Did he do the voice when monkey was in the old digi adverts? Thanks -x-
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could one run a operating system from 4 gb usb
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If you could put the brain into digital memory terms, such as 512mb 40gb 1tb etc etc, how large would the memory capacity be?
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Where can you find that someone special who will not hurt you?
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devil monkey
mine is the recent frosties advert.
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What have you got planned for Valentines Day? Are you planning a special night with your partner or loved one? Going out for a meal or just spending a quiet night in, just the two of you? Me and mine...
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i have been in an extremely good mood all day, must be my raised levels of Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) which is affecting my neurotransmitters, so feel in light of the current lack of...
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Following on from MWBs question about Creed. Which other singers/band profess to be Christians, regardless of whether or not they choose to include it in their music? I know Jesse Leach, the original...
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Here's a question for those of you who believe in the Judaeo/Christian 'God'. There's a bit of a preamble: Until nearly 3000 years ago the Jews worshipped several gods depending on where in Israel...
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A disgruntled motorist? animal rights have been mentioned? /article1346137.ece
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can I use a disc already registered with microsoft?
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i overheard an argument in our club yesterday about plasma tvs. a chap said they had to be pumped up? i have never heard this and ask if its true. i cant see it myself , has someone got their wires...
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Here's what may seem a stupid question, but I've had it come up several times, and am not sure what it is. So 'what is the/a 'System Administrator' ??
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why do people keep asking the same question about the music in the T Mobile advert?
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Do you read your stars in the papers? Do you take any notice of them? Or do you regard the whole astrology thing as utter rubbish?
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The Guy that plays the head Villain looks familiar. ( The one who wears a red coat and an Afrika Korps Cap ) Is he in Battlestar Galactica ( new version )?
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do guys think piercings are hot? if so where, how many etc?
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Is it me or are recent adverts becoming even more annoying than usual. I'm using the mute button more than ever these days. Examples :- 1) The music for the Ford advert where that guy is opening doors...

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