okay i know some of you hate trivia but i'm so bored! 1) what did you want to be when you grew up (did you achieve this dream) 2) First childhood memory 3) Best present given 4) if you could go back...
Does anybody remember Mooncat? I've searched youtube and tv cream but i can't find it. I'd love to see a clip of it if anyone can point me in the right direction. Or was I dreaming about this kids...
any fave videos that you like ? or even the songs. love this song from blink182 "later on on the way home, i called your mom from a payphone, i said i was the cops , and your dad was in jail, this...
I saw on TMF a while ago, two blonde girls, one with curly hair and one with straight, dancing against a grey background. They're song was sort of rock pop a little like Kelly Clarkson and they had...
I have only ever seen the brilliant Cadburys gorilla Phil Collins advert once (during the Big Brother final) and was wondering if anyone knew if and when it was going to be shown again? Thanks
Did anyone see this? I thought it was a brilliant insight into the GWBush presidency & the war in Iraq/Afghan - the real stories though, as told by soldiers, their families and the victims of 9/11. It...