What do you call that stuff (orange) that you add water to? I personally call it orange squash (so does everyone down here - I live in south-west england) but I was speaking to a guy from Rotherham...
Can anybody please direct me to a photo of a N American tree, so large that a cart and horse(s) were driven through it. It was a very popular picture in encylcopaedias 1930 - 1950.
this may seem like asilly question but we reecently purchased a black netherland dwaf rabbit and our blood hound dog seems obsessed he sits for hours watching it and following its every move ! has...
I have a golden labrador and I found a tiny spot like thing under his armpit area. It looked like a mole and was bleeding a tiny bit. Just wondered if anyone knows what it might be and is it worth...
i am aware elephants, seals are known as bulls and cows for gendering- what other animals are refered as such?- and why are some just refered as male /female instead? thx
i know tufty looks a cuddly creature but he has a darker side.i managed to frighten tufty away from the owl box one day last spring,but when i retuned the next day the front was ripped off and the...
My houseplant has some white mould on the soil which has developed over the last two days, is this bad for it? If so what should I do about it? I have another identical plant in the house which is...
I am positive that our cat Barbie - don't ask ! see's ghosts.. She'll be sat there and then cower down, her ears go back and she looks up, terrified, then scarpers off... very odd.. ! Also, why won't...
I am always killing my poor house plants, so I went and got myself a rubber plant and a dragon tree which are supposedly hard to kill!!! Pah!! My rubber plant is not looking so hot these days, it was...
My dog Norman goes in for a major ortho surgery tomorrow. Please send us your good vibes at about 9 am Canada west coast time. He is having a cruciate ligament repair done on his right knee. (like the...