In the seventies before the main film at the cinema I once saw a short film about a chap, probably British who at the time held a whole lot of eating and drinking records, things like eating ice...
I find it absolutely hilarious, a bit near the mark sometimes but great fun. Do you think the real medics behave anything like that? Any real doctors and nurses care to tell us how close to reality it...
So one of our own judges has ruled we have to give council houses to migrants. Why do we constantly shoot ourselves in the foot? The rest of the EU must be pi55ing themselves. It's on the front of the...
Just been reading the bullying thread. Anyone here prepared to own up to being a bully? Can you explain why you did it? Why are kids so pittyless? Are bullies just bad or is it some sort of phase do... Well do we agree with the Tory leader? I know this is going to be hard for the lefty's among you, can you bring yourselves to agree with a Tory? I'll...
OK what happens when a standard residential lease runs down to 0, does it revert back to the freeholder? what if you have say about 20 years to go does the freeholder have to renew the lease if asked?...
My TV has a wide setting but still most of the films on DVD or Sky movies are too wide. Is this just inevitable or do some TV's have the settings necessary. I mean mine has a "wide" setting and it...
Ok so there are now a couple of cars that are tax exempt, anyone know what they are? Anyway why didn't Gordon take the opportunity to make motorbikes tax exempt? say up to 250cc for example, surely...
Related to a Q below, I was wondering what induces people to believe they own the road outside their house? Why do they think they alone have a right to park outside their own house? I just think it's...
Why so cruel to animals? I see some yob threw a rabbit into the alligator enclosure and also I see today that a duck is slowly starving to death because some lowlife has tapped it's beak up. What...