Sorry to post this in pregnancy but thought it was the best place. In short, I'm combining breast and bottle feeding (expressed milk) and use a Tommee Tippee steam steriliser. We accidentally put a...
I'm just wondering if anyone here has been in a similar situation to me... I left my freelance job in 2008 to have my daughter, and by the time I was looking for work again the recession had hit. I've...
I apologise for the poor title, but I wasn't sure how best to put this.... In short - I have an Introducer to my business who seems to have a trading style, but I can't find it as a ltd. company. We...
Hi, I posted a few days ago about a director who had been voted off the board withdrawing unauthorised funds. The bank originally apologised then went back on themselves. We warned the bank some weeks...
Hi, please can anyone tell me what kind of sun protection I should be using on my daughter who is 13 months old. What SPF should I be using? Some creams for children are only 20. Any help would be...
Hi, I'm trying to lose a few stone after putting a good few on when I was pregnant. I'm doing this by going to the gym pretty much every day and alternating between cardio and weights. I do about...
Has anyone else been told that they can't do high impact exercise after pregnancy? I was told that because I was breastfeeding that I had to add extra time onto the usual recommended time and couldn't...
Hi all, long time no post. Isobel is just passed the 3 month mark and is doing really well. She's having a bad week which we're thinking is because she had her jabs on monday. Anyway, my post is about...
Hi all, i've been quiet I know - I just don't get much chance during the day to get on the computer. Isobel is coming up to 11 weeks old and we've been enjoying the time we've had together so far but...
Hi, my daughter is 8 weeks old on monday and is soon to have her first set of jabs. My husband and i would like to take her swimming as soon as we can but we're not sure what we need for such a young...
Hi all, i'd like to get a little gift for the midwife that was looking after me during my pregnancy (actually there were 2 midwives that did me proud and would like to get them something) and also the...
Hi, My baby is a week old today and i'm breastfeeding. I've had a lot of help from my mum which has enabled me to be quite successful so far. However her advice conflicts with the advice from my...
Hello again ladies, I am currently sat in my lounge while my little angel is having her first solo sleep upstairs...I don't like it!!!! but we've not had a good night's sleep since we came home and...
Hi all!!! Oh my word! what a journey. Just writing quickly to say that all is well. after 82 hours of labour i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, 7lb 10oz who we have named Isobel on Monday evening...
Just in case anyone still needs/wants to buy one - Tesco have Tommee Tippee Breast bump and microwaveable steralisers on half price at the moment, and i got an Avent one for ?22 (?5 off) but i've seen...
Morning ladies! I thought i'd started last night and got very excited, but fell asleep and was gutted to wake this morning and realise that it had stopped. I know what my BH feels like now (well, i...
i've been hankering after a show for what seems like forever and just went to the loo and when i wiped there was some discharge on the tissue and a blob in the loo. nothing exciting but this is more...
Hi, not sure if this is the correct board, but i was wondering why my profile says that i've had 2 answers removed...can you find out which ones they were?! thanks
Morning Ladies, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me here - for about a week (give or take) i've been getting cramps. They started quite low down like a period cramp used to feel, but yesterday...