9a Minstrel boy? Yes, the very one to order the bard out (10)
1d Sternal defence against Cupid's arrows perhaps ? (10)
11a No can do ? (6)
6d isn't every do-gooder's last dice miscast ? (8)...
8/27d At 64 ,the Duke had enough of it to get a gong for it (4,4) 16d Sounds like this information is framed for popular consumption (10) 23/25a Dick Turpin's gallows humour had him on edge before and...
28/9a 0ld doctor's dilemma, maybe, getting low on sufferance ? (
18a In vain are adults masquerading as such sickly ones. (15)
10a Medical Examiner blamed wrongly for somebody bandaged (8)...
6d Get this down in one shot and maybe then you,ll smell the coffee (8)
17d I not here ,might the question at the end suggest another place ? (9)
3d Remains named as Dr. Mc Coy went by ? (5)...