At two this morning my husband was up sick, again at 5am and 8am. He is still in bed, feeling absolutely washed out. He has had a cup of tea but doesn't feel like getting up. We have just heard a...
I am short and chubby. If I buy a top in M&S I take a 16 and if I buy a skirt I take a 14. I do not have a waist! Is there a make of dress that caters for the fuller figure? I am OAP but like to look...
My husband is starting a cold and has a sore throat. Short of sending him to live in a hotel, how can I best avoid catching his germs? No kissing obviously.
I bought a hand help spirolizer yesterday. The booklet with it is very low on information. Am I right to assume that once the vegs are put through the spirolizer, the ribbons must still cook in...
I have had an email this morning saying I will get a free entry ticket to Wednesday 2 March game, because I had 2 numbers right last night. They have shown me my ticket for Wednesdat, numbers and all....
I am female, 5ft 4inches and size 16. I have noticed lately that my tights seem to be much longer than in the past. I often have several inches dangling from my foot when I take my shoes off. Can...
Last week the DM ran a story about a man walking through a tube station, being accused of sexually assaulting a woman also walking through. From CCTV, it was obvious no such thing happened, yet the...
I posted about this a while ago. Since then I have taken B and D vitamins, magnesium and iron tablets, all to no avail. I did read about something you rub on your legs but cannot recall the name. Any...