I like playing this but get stuck when it comes to triples. I have tried to follow the rules but find them very difficult. Has anyone got any good rules that are online and easy to understand? Thanks.
While browsing through these pages, I noticed adverts that promoted "skin whiteners that really work". Surely these adverts are a con and should not be on a respectable web page?
Does anyone know how to use a shoelace to feed a house plant when you are away for a holiday? I read this somewhere but cannot recall the details. It involves putting one end of the shoelace in a jar...
The other night I watched a program about Majesty. We saw the 6 original ladies in waiting from the Queens Coronation having a reunion with the Queen. They all curtsied when they shook hands with HM...
We have tickets ordered online to board the ferry from Ajaccio to Nice. We are foot passengers, no car. The conditions state you have to be there 90 minutes before departure. Is this meant just for...
When I am away on 2 weeks summer holidays, I would like someone to water my garden flowers. My neighbours are either unknown or elderly. The person wont need access to the house as there is a tap...
Once again ITV News run a trailer for one of their own programs, and call it News - Its not news, its a trailer! Also, Beatrice is pretty but is not a size 10. I heard Fergie this morning on Today...
Sorry if this is the wrong category. I have a book in front of me that is all about photos on your PC and has lots of tips on things like Red Eye etc. It says i can freely download the program called...
I remember going to a very old fashioned trad type of restaurant in Paris. The waiters all wore black waistcoats with full length long white aprons ( unusual then, more common now) The menu was a...
Can anyone suggest a website for making up codes? I could make up my own based on the alphabet but know there is one based on a square and dots. Know what I mean? This is for my adult learners class...
When i have for example the BBC site open and want to look at another site, I cannot just minimise the BBC and keep it open. As soon as I open another site, I lose the BBC. How can I have more than...
I am 64, female and have type 2 diabetes treated with tablets and insulin. I also feel tired a lot but need to take more exercise to counteract weight gain from the insulin. I cannot get too hungry or...
Last night my son phoned me to ask why I had just phoned him. I said I had not phoned him. He said his phone had rang a minute before, they did not manage to pick up in time, so they dialled 1471 to...