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Here are this morning's shaded questions in the Daily Telegraph - 17a Prehistoric monument found at Avebury, Wiltshire [5] 22a Naturally occuring feature which, according to it's size classification...
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16a Species of Raphia palm J-P-T- Please can anyon help?
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what is a rail-like bird o?a?e
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This is the fourth and last week of my reign of terror (or being terrified). 'Don Corleone' will now adopt his former alter ego as I return to normal daily life under the original guise of deecee131....
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Good morning everyone - it's amazing how quickly a month flies by, here we are at the end of another already. Well, if you've had a chance to look at this morning's clues, I hope we agree that today's...
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Welcome to the third week in the reign (of terror) of Don Corleone aka The Godfather: alias deecee131. You must admit that last week's launch was a (slight) improvement on my first! I think that I...
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Good morning everyone from a rather chilly down-under - to think we were sitting on the seafront yesterday, having lunch in the sunshine, and a very yummy lunch it was, too. Well after a bit of a...
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I, Don Corleone, challenge you to predict my second set of words based on: Memories FIRE MASTER SCHOOL STAMP Good Luck, everyone!
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Well, as you can see from the previous post, we are starting from somewhere behind the eight-ball this morning. Without the questions, I obviously don't have the words for today, so we will have to...
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The first week in the reign of Don Corleone did NOT go according to plan and there were even attempts by some of bribes being offered ~ sort of "Cash for Answers"! This is a twist "Cash for Questions"...
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I must admit that I am now over the initial shock of being selected to set the Link Words for the next four weeks of this month of June. I only started on the MM (and KM) trail last September, when I...
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Hallo again, sorry about the lateness of the clues posting, we've had a thunderstorm rolling around for the past hour or so, so I've been off the net, and with all the plugs pulled out, just in case....
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Good Morning, fellow linkers and greetings from far away across the sea. They say all good things must come to an end and, sadly, this is the final week of the reign of Miss Serenity from Down Under....
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Here are the four shaded questions from this morning's Crossword to help with your selections 27a A series of six balls bowled consecutively to the batsman in cricket [4] 15d "They dined on mince and...
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Good morning everyone - here we are at the end of another month, goodness, that went quickly !! As usual, the aim will be to match our selections to the link words in this morning's Daily Telegraph,...
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What Week 4 already? I can't believe it ? and no mess-ups so far! Goodness, doesn't time fly when you're having fun down under! To date, we have looked at quite a few aspects of Aussie culture, but...
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good morning everyone - well, it's that time of a Saturday to get our thinking caps on again and get ready for another blast of whatever Kate is dishing out to us this weekend. Yes, inspite of the...
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"Good Morning" to my friends on the other side of the World. I do hope you're all looking forward to another day spent under wide blue skies, cool breezes, warm sunshine and friendly people ? now...
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Good morning everyone - all ready for the next weekend's installment of fun and games with Kate !! ?? This morning's questions appear in a post 2 or 3 back, and shouldn't be hard to find, and the...
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For the benefit of the KM linkers here are this morning's shaded questions: - 8d A moveable arm used to support an overhead film camera or microphone [4] 10d The extent or measurement of a...

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