Is it safe when selling a 2nd hand car to giev a potential buyer the VIN number & doc ref from the V5 form so they can check the cars history prior to seeing the car?
Few months ago I noticed a tiny bald spot in my scalp. I went to the Doctors and they have advised that I have a small serbaceous cyst on my scalp. They advised that it does not need to be removed but...
I have been offered a final settlement compensation of £1000 for an incident where I suffered cuts bruises and swelling to my knee after falling down an uncovered man hole. I have no idea if...
I know its about 10 years since the Euro was introduced but I have found some old Guilder notes and wondered if there is anywhere where these can still be exchanged into Euros?
What would be the likely sentence for a section 20 wounding. where the defendent hit the victim in the face with a glass on a totally unprovoked attack but would plead guilty
I am travelling to US soon and have a passport that expires in 2016 so its not one of the passports witht the chip in them. Is it valid for US or do you need to have the new chipped passports.
Please help advise how do i stand. I parked on a road late at night (it was dark) when I returned the following day I had a penalty notice stuck to my car window. The charge was that I had parked in a...
Who has my title deeds. I have just paid off my mortgage and I assumed that the Building Society I had my mortgage with would have my Title Deeds. They have not returned anythign to me but have told...