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Some people hear voices.. Some see invisible people. . Others have no imagination whatsoever. I fell in love at first sight. I should have looked twice. The next person who says “it’s not...
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What a crazy, delightful ever changing world! Who could have thought 40 years ago that in 2012 young people in Moscow would put on a "flash mob" happening, dancing to an 83 year old American...
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Been advised I need a new battery for my laptop. Any idea how much this might cost?
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Not a great tennis fan, but was so glad that Murray won despite all the doubting Thomases. Of course he'll be British for now! Meow
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Well, you could knock me down with a feather!! Think that thing in the sky is called the sun - so long since I've seen it I'm not too sure.
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Just received a message in my Spam inbox from Royal Mail Service - Parcel is expecting of receiving You'd think they could get the grammar correct at least!...
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During a ride in a taxicab, the rider touched the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. Upon the touch, the cab driver flinched, screamed, then went into a panic and almost wrecked the cab....
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A man doing market research knocked on a door. He was greeted by a young woman with three small children running around at her feet. He says, "I'm doing some research for Vaseline. Have you ever...
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The Pope was finishing his sermon. He ended it with the Latin phrase, "Tutti Homini" - Blessed be Mankind. A women's rights group approached the Pope the next day. They noticed that the Pope...
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Battery on my laptop doesn't seem to be charging above 13%. Not a problem at home, but means I can't take it on a journey. Any suggestions for fixing the problem or do I just need a new battery?
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Tickets for Edinburgh Book Festival went on sale at 8.30 this morning so was up bright and early. Was 24th in queue to get a basket - then there was a glitch on the site. Now number 661 in the queue...
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Lynn had lost her husband almost four years ago. Her daughter was constantly calling her and urging her to get back into the dating world. Finally, Lynn said she'd go out, but didn't know anyone. Her...
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Just watched this wonderful programme. Just loved all the links. What a wonderful world we live in.
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Last one to get. All answers start and end with the same letter: eg Conflict seen in this city = Warsaw 3. Close by =...
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Animals Quiz. Only one to get - no letters given, just that the answers are all animals: 30. Sounds like a double tripod with six legs...
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Had some great help on here today - only two to get and closing date is approaching fast. Thinking caps on folks, answers are animals. 13. Run back 30. Sounds just like a double tripod with six legs...
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These are driving me nuts! Have spent hours googling lists of animals, anagrams etc. and am at hair tearing stage!! All answers are animals - no number of letters given. 1 A mixed decree 2 Plain Stalk...
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Having problems with a few. All the answers are animals - no letters given. eg "Stare at a back measure" Gazelle 1. A painting frame gains a point 2. This sounds like a chain! 3. Sounds just...
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The British Medical Association has weighed in on the Prime Minister David Cameron`s health care proposals. The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash...
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Happy Progenitor A’s Day! Dear marriage supporter, When Spain redefined marriage the Spanish Government rewrote birth certificates, removing the words “father and mother” and...