Good morning AB Linkers.. When you read this I should be far too busy taking pictures of penguins and, if I'm lucky, seals, to worry whether my house is still standing after my children's traditional...
Good morning everyone - trust you all had an excellent Christmas Day and by now have recovered from a surfeit of goodies - liquid or otherwise !! After the entertainment [!] of last week, let's hope...
"A Very Merry Christmas" from Lady Slaney all the way from the South Pole! May I second that sentiment as I, crofter, act as royal scribe in her absence. By now your goose will have been cooked, your...
hello, can anyone tell me what these are please? no 3 three quarter circle made up of the word LOVE 3,2,4 no12 a globe (the world) with the word SLEEP!! above it 6,5 thank you
"Good morning, all" First of all, many thanks to the five-star rated crofter, firstly for posting this and next week's links for me as I will be AWOL, and secondly for encouraging me to set the links...
Minor stuff-up - have put the preamble in Crosswords instead, have a read then return to Q&P site for entries. Sorry about that, I wasn't kidding about the brain fade !!!
Good Evening AB Linkers, from North to South Pole! Welcome to the beginning of the third week in the reign of Lady Slaney, who is off to pastures new for a couple of weeks! More on that tomorrow....
Can anyone tell me some good quiz sites where i can download sets of questions for xmas party qizzes? (Ditloids, seasonal, films, trivia, films, picture quizzes, etc)
Good morning all, I'm still recovering from the effects of a very strange experience - I actually got wet yesterday walking around without an umbrella !!! I mean, why on earth would you need an...
Good morning everybody! I thought I'd start this week with a couple of snapshots from my past. I grew up in a small county town. We enjoyed a fairly tranquil existence except for late...
I am compiling a quiz and wonder if anyone could provide a trick question such as which member of the royal family played at wembley? answer joe royle this question will be asked at the event so they...
Good morning all - as promised I have returned to take up the reins once again, thus allowing gen2 to sleep in until a civilised hour of the morning and what's all this I hear about midnight feasts...
Good Morning, AB-Linkers! This is Sheila (aka slaney) ? and apparently dubbed by crofter as Lady Slaney. That's OK as a working title, but I DO have moments when I'm far from ladylike. One such was...
Just wondering if anyone has successfully downloaded Gordon Gray's Annual Charity Christmas Puzzle. It was supposed to be available for download from the website on 8th December, but I've been told...
Q.37 in the Food and Drink Song Titles section the song which reads I N W A O (S W S I M M C) is probably better known under I N H A O (S W S I M M C). Either will be acceptable. Should anybody still...