Just bought a used iPhone 7 Callers voice sound muffled and voice breaks up. Signal bar only shows 1 bar sometimes. I’m using the same provider keeping my same number as on my old phone iPhone 4...
Is it me or what. These contestants of all ages on game shows, people on interviews all have perfect shaped white teeth. I have good teeth for my age and brush regular, but these people have unusually...
I had reason to look at an old ( 1 year old )emails this morning. Went to double check the same email this afternoon the content is not loading “ No content to display “ reason please Thanks....
My tax and Mot run out at the end of the month. I have tried renewing tax online but get an error message basically saying “ unable to find MOT “ Is the site blocking the application because the...
My car has been suffering from a drumming noise at high speeds. As it’s due in a few months for a MOTI had it checked. The fitter said the drumming was due to a NSR wheel out of alignment and to get...
I was under the impression that when something was on the internet it was there for all time. I found a site many months ago I can’t find anymore. It was about Torremolinos in Spain. It was all in...
I can FaceTime via my old iPhone 4 to another iPhone 4, but not via my newer iPad Air. I can see and hear the other person but they can’t see me, although they can hear me. So it’s I assume a...
The wife has a old iPad 1st generation. Selecting the App Store> purchased, it lists all old apps that have been deleted. Is it possible to permanently delete them as I think they’re using up...
Conflicting answers on a search. Does a car need to be insured before driving it away from a dealer. Does your existing insurance cover it if you have let your Insurance know the cars details.
Reported in English language papers.Cave paintings, some in Andalucia Spain have been linked to Neanderthal man, have been found to predate the arrival of Homo Sapiens by 20,000 years. The paintings...
Had a phone call whilst out of the country from a number My mobile didn’t recognise. Was going to just let it ring off as they do, but the wife said answer it. She who must be obeyed. He was paying...
Is there any difference between someone mounting a kerb. Driving over a footpath to park on their property. Where a dropped kerb doesn’t exist. To someone mounting a kerb to park half on road half...
So after the “Big Bang “. Matter and gas was flung out in all directions. The Earth and other planets stars were formed by the early rotation of matter and gasses. But what set up the rotations in...
Apparently Thomas Cook are offering their customers a way of reserving their sunbed at their hotels for the duration of their holiday. Doubt TUI will do the same.