As the others were too easy for you, try these: 168=S on a S of D. 5 = GNM. 152 = H in F of the S of L. 76 = TPTBP IT is nice to be back and putting the old brain back into action by using the site.
Is anyone still interested in ditloids? Some new ones for you, 56 P in a HW, 22 B on a ST, 9= TS, 64= FC, 32= BS on a C. answers given in a couple of days.
Has anyone got experience of dealing with a dog with this condition? In my case just one "super european tick" has brought on this disease in my 8 month old puppy, and she had been treated with...
My granddaughter had the single vaccine jabs instead of MMR. Can anyone confirm whether she needs a pre school booster of measles, or mumps or the rubella vaccine thanks.