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Hi, im getting my wedding blessed in August after 21 years of marriage and im wanting a romantic love song to be played while im walking down the isle, has anyone any good songs they think may be...
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If you were in love with your best friend, and had been for years, would you tell them? I've only just admitted it to myself, but feel that Im going to explode if I dont tell him. I don't think he's...
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anybody awake?
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Quick! My daughter is asking me for good vegetable soup recipes and I don't know any. She thinks I'm the fount of all knowledge and now I'm letting her down. She needs it for tea TONIGHT! And don't...
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The projected cost of hosting the Olympics has now trebled. Would it have been better if London hadn't won the bid?
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My daughter lives with her mother, she is 7. My daughter confided in me this weekend about an incident that happened a couple of weeks ago, her mother was passed out on the sofa after drinking and...
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in 1999, I had a baby a nd did not know at the time who the father was. I know that this is sensitive to some people, but, being young and dumb was my lifestyle at the time. I let my boyfriend at the...
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Who was the first person to milk a cow and what the hell was he thinking?
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you are making your will today, what would you bequeath to your very best friend ?
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If you were given a blank cheque and told you could buy just one luxury item, what would you choose?
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Mani Hussain
Just wondering how people on here pray and how often? I pray first thing when I wake up and last thing before I go to bed because I believe that it's important to have routine in your prayer life. I...
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Two things have happened in the last couple of days that have made me realise that I don't know what to do in certain situations. 1. Yesterday, a small toddler was running towards me and totally...
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what do women want in a relationship i have no idea what to think i guess i will never know it seems hard to find a women that likes to go out or likes to go to the movies or just sit and talk.
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Hi all who were kind enough to respond before. I went to school today and....... nothing!! My daughter made me leave the classroom whilst she did her 'talk' and when I went to collect her, teacher had...
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with my little eye something beginning with B C S
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My son is almost 2. He still wont talk. We have heard him say quite a few words, each only once or twice, and then never again. He said "apple" clear as day, we clapped and told him good job! all the...
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will you go out with me ?!
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What do u like in a guy ( want womens advice ) u c theres this girl i rly like and i want 2 tl hr how i fl
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How are we all on this beautiful sunny day, did everybody have a nice weekend?
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i wonder if love can still be found it seems that people who have nothing in common can find something in common that they like to do and be happy together and sometimes it works out maybe some people...

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