all i can recall is a girl who learns she can astral travel and in one scene she realises she is about to travel when sheets of paper, or maybe leaves, start swirlng around her. it was like the...
im in very lucky position to have bought a house 11 years ago just as the market turned. bought house for 30k, now worth approx 110K with 18k outstanding on the mortgage. ive been living with...
on radio 1 earlier they implied that the term 'chasing pavements' has some sort of hidden meaning that was unexplainable on air.... ive had a quick google and can only find perfectly innocent...
since we got our laptop, my 12+ year old cat seems to be having a new kittenhood. he goes absolutely bonkers for the cables, in fact he is sitting under the coffee table right now just waiting for one...
had the aa to the clio this morning cos it kept turning over but wouldnt start. nice aa man said it was a loose connection on the crank shaft, stuck his arm in and voila it was fixed. what i want to...
i am being offered this thru my employer at a price of approx ?20, to use at home for personal use. i can find benefits of this on the microsoft site, but no pitfalls. anyone know any? would they...
years ago (20 or more) i remember uri geller being on a kids tv show, maybe a saturday morning one. he told you to arrange lego in a pattern in front of the telly and go out of the room and go out of...
our tigger sounds like a warthog, bless her. shes always coughing and gagging and when she breathes she sounds like shes snoring. she is worse if you give her a fuss cos this makes her purr and seems...
ive just read a post about house bunnies and training them to use litter trays, and admittedly im a little drunk at the moment, but im quite taken with the idea. so can someone tell me how well...
i owe approx 18500 over next 12 years and am currently being charged standard variable at 7.5%. closing admin fee is ?40. been looking at comparison sites but bit confused as to what im asking them to...
44k miles. just bought this car and on the first drive of any distance ive noticed a noise that bothers me. at approx 50mph ish in 5th there is a rrrrrrr noise that i think is too noisy, and is in...
can anyone who can look for free, or has an up to date book, tell me what a nissan almera sport ,1.8 ,X reg, 3 door, 66k miles should be worth from a independent dealer?
i have intel graphic media accelerator x3100 in my laptop. its shared graphics apparantly. am i going to be able to play games with this? cos i just bought broken sword angel of death and it wont...
what is the best programme for downloading video from you tube. There seems to be a few, but I'm wary. "You tube catcher" looks the most 'official', but how 'official' is any site that offers a...
i want to buy 2nd hand 'broken sword' games off amazon. is it safe? i guess what i mean is.... is there anything that could be contained on the disk, from being used previously, that could harm my...