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Has anybody tried the Paingone pen?  It's supposed to work like a TENS machine, without, the advertising says  actually being a TENS machine.  Rather, it works with...
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I went to the dentist last week and had a filling done behind an upper front tooth. There never was any pain there, he just filled it to prebvent the cavity getting any worse. Problem is that since...
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I want to lose weight and then give up smoking. A tall order. So does hypnotherapy work?  Any one got first hand experience?  Its expensive, so I don't want to waste my hard earned...
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Don Barista
I dint know if i should be worried but i occasionally get a long-lasting (couple of days) period of pins and needles in the little finger of my left hand, which causes loss of feeling and occasional...
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Hello all, my Nan has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes and I was wondering if anyone knows any good diabetic food websites. A place where I can buy sweets and things for her. I have Googled but...
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I was just wondering, when i'm on my period i generally dont bleed during the night or when i'm asleep. It tends to stop at about 9 or 10 in the evening and then start when i wake up, does anyone else...
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When is it too late in the year to ask a girl out? Because Christmas is the best time to be single, with all the parties and festive cheer. And you dont wanna buy a present for someone you might split...
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Hi i got chest pain yesterday it felt like heartburn it then went in my stomach and my chest it feels like very tight pains that go right round the sides of my chest and all in my stomach also i...
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What does it mean if your periods are getting further apart? Say, from 28 days to 30 or 31 days? Is this onset of menopause?!
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Does anyone know of any courses in tarot reading in London or Essex? Or individual tuition, leading to a qualification of some sort? (I don't want to do it online or by correspondence course.) Thanks.
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I don't have a cold, but when I go cycling in the cold weather my nose starts running - why does this happen?
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Hey's my birthday today!! What film should i go and see at the cinema?! Or what else should i do with my night when i finish work?
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 is dolphin a mammal?
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Can I buy Jacobs cookies in CT/NYC, USA?
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how much fiber is in one serving of celery
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I'm a vegetarian and concerned about my iron and protein intake.  What sorts of foods should I be trying to eat in order to get those vitamins?
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can somebody please tell me a bit about the famous kelly bag or any good sites where i can find information about it?? thanks, please be quick its for a a school thing that has to be finished really...
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There are three rooms with a computer in each room. The computers are connected by a cable that runs through the walls. In room one is a human. In room two there is only the computer, programmed to...
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I'd like to ask a question about whether anybody has heard of a company and whether it is reputable.  In view of the comments on advantage loans, is this allowed?
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where does the name tuesday come from?

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