Can anyone remember a TV programme from the 70's, where a bloke used to keep saying "I heard that , pardon" It's driving us mad trying to remember!! I think he was a northerner, poss...
I notice as the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan grind inexoribly on, and the death toll rises, there is an interesting use of the word 'hero' in the media. I understand a 'hero' to be someone who...
The Daily mail are giving some Michael Caine films away for the next couple of weeks.I looked on their website to see what they were.They didn't list them,just showed them spread out and there was one...
In last night's The Bill, there was a woman called Fiona who I recognise but cannot think from where. Can anyone help? odeid=586 If you didn't see it,...
i think nicholas cage is in the film. it starts off with a boat getting blown up by a bomb at the beginning and at some point nicholas cage (maybe not him) goes back in time, bit like minority report....
Doe;s anyone remember a US TV series from the early to mid 1970's on BBC 1 Called Search Control? It starred the late Burgess Meridiff and if I, remember rightly, six further charectors, one being Ben...
Can anybody help me i need an answer by five past twelve.Can you please tell me an answer.... y=1.8x +32.. My daughters maths Teacher gave her thisequation and didn't tell her class what to do and...
She was always the curvy, cuddly looking presenter, famous for her curves and famous for standing up for women who aren't and don't want to be stick insects. Over recent months she has been losing...
I am glad Jodie won. But I wonder about the producer Cameron Mackintosh. It was plainly obvious he was not happy about Jodie winning and he's said, according to Lloyd Webber, that he thinks Jodie is...