Can anyone help with these please? 1.Model dog's head in clay (5) 2. Is it fish or beer that leads one into a modern dance movement (4, 4) 3. Wild boar or elephant may sway gently on channel waters...
Is anyone else surprised at how little money was raised for Childline from this quiz ? It was said that they had just over 500 entries and raised ?512. Thanks were given for extra donations etc. but...
All answers end with ham or thorpe 8. I'll allow you that (8 letters) 18. Do it or .... (6 letters) 22. It's wise to follow a star ( 11 letters) 24. Itelligent humour found her (6 letters) 26. The...
Song titles with food and drink. eg. SFF - Strawberry Fields Forever. 26. B O T W 28. C J 30. T B T P 32. D Y C G L I F ( O T B O ) 50. A C O C A S A Y Many thanks, I am really struggling with this...
That time of year again. The famous Melksham Xmas quiz is back. ?3.00 to enter for 300+ questions with ?30 first prize. All proceeds to Poppy Appeal. Anyone interested please drop me a line at...
Can anyone help with these Please 26 Edward (running down on the left ) with TORN going across the middle and Mrs simpson (running down on the right hand side) 32 houses AL houses L houses 34 A large...
18. Bunting from carnival helped navigator to land (7 ) 37. Speed and skill needed on pole with this vehicle (10) 39. Old actress with grand final performance ( 4 4 ) 55. Poet's house by the sea in...
One word in each answer is the name of a part of "The Human Body" 1. Caribbean Cad? (5,4) 2. Slight Punishment? (4,2,3,5) 3. Conform? (3,3,4) 4. Yield to Authority? (7,5) 5. TV Programme 1969-79?...