Ask yourself, ‘What religious group is noted for sticking closely to God’s Word, even when its teachings differ from the beliefs of most people? Who stress the importance of God’s personal name,...
The music was really loud tonight.....I was at a do.... A strange chap latched on to me could have had the best chat up line in the world....I wouldn't have heard it. I tried to nod and smile in the...
Read this quote question. "If you aren't careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." Malcolm X...
What the hell was Tinie Tempa doing on one of Britain's big games shown all over the World, in a tinfoil suit, making his way on the pitch on his mobile phone. Its not the Super Bowl!!!!! Then a girl...
All units with the sink in and underneath cupboard has been damaged with water. The worktops on tbat sids are now sinking into the cupboards. Do you think my insurance company would sort it? Never...
Mrs B. here, 2½ - 3 hrs ago Mr B. was adjusting the angle of an outside light on the pointy bit of the eaves, the ladder slipped and he landed badly in the drive. Blue Lighted into hospital with a...
Have ISIS blown up another plane over Egypt with a Ground to Air missile? Who is supplying these weapons? Has air travel now become the most dangerous mode of transport?