7ac. Tootsy, with such a rounded end? Ug! Steatopygous, possibly _ PS_ 7dn. How a roughie behaves when working as colleague of J Le Mesurier? _LO_E Any ideas? I'm not on the wavelength of these two...
Does her program on BBC2 annoy anyone else? i think it's annoyed me more so after finding out that it's a set type thing and not her house, and that she gets on a 'fake' bus. it makes me wonder if any...
got stuck! 12a take action on river to get back what fisherman needs R?L 19a used to be hard in good cleansing ??s?i?? 15a offer to buy best in diamonds for starters ??D
educational mate opposite of bottom male high quality glass you do this to score a goal clean windows till they shine (have used twinkle) ALL ABOVE ARE COMICS PAST & PRESENT bog dog petrified...