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I’ve got to do a few deliveries to customers, and some shopping, then the day is mine!! What about you lot?...
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i think the siddiquis are my faves, followed by lee and jenny
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Friday. Lots of cloud about but it's stopped raining. Snowflake has been for a quick round the block, she's crashed out alongside me now, fast asleep! She goes home on Sunday morning. I'm going to...
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My wife and I have been invited to her nephew's wedding in Scarborough at the end of the month. Could any one suggest a suitable monetary gift as a wedding present please. We are not paupers but then...
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Thursday. It's getting light already, 10.5°C outside, not too bad, but the wee lassie o the idiot box is telling us it ain't gonna last and we shouldn't put the winter woollies away just yet. I...
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WHITE RABBITS WHITE RABBITS WHITE RABBITS Wednesday. It's a wee bit warmer outside this morning. I was able to leave the back door open for WWT to come and go as she wanted to during the night,...
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to see postings on Instagram as I have "followed" a few people but can only see photos and am unable to read posts?...
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(and unemployable) I finally got a job, Albeit only 14 hours a week but still a job. On the payroll from next week. Never thought I'd be employed again! Theres always hope :-)...
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Just notice the name Boxtops Remind me - who are the ex regulars who we haven't seen for a long time ?...
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i love mint chocolate, but can only ever find it with plain chocolate, which i do not like. If i am occasionally shopping in waitrose, i can get montezuma milk choc with mint, but are there any other...
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Just home from a quiz held in a local pub. Only heard about it a couple of days ago, so it was a kind of last minute decision to go. Our team came third which we were happy about. At the end of the...
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After years of trading, what part of retail trading do Debenhams not understand. The consortium of banks that now own Debenhams have pumped 200 million to keep it ticking over, this in my view will...
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Hi, I have to get from Covent Garden to Morden on Monday night/Tuesday morning, leaving Covent Garden after midnight. I’m confused about the night trains and underground tube trains though. Does the...
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Not sure I quite agree with this. Even children like to watch things. And unless you are going to give all the adults free tickets seems unfair....
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Through an audio book I've been reading, the author made reference to this old film. I've found I can buy or rent it for next to nothing on Amazon. Looks like a very good film with good actors!...
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I've been given a bag if rhubarb and I have a couple of hours, some flour sugar, but no eggs. Any suggestions?
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Hi all! I was hoping someone more tech savvy than me could help me out! I am self employed and send my invoices out monthly using an excel spreadsheet. Each client has one file with 12 sheets, one for...
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Spoke to dad last night and I’m shocked at how feeble he sounds. Also, he appears to have undergone a personality change, there is no longer a filter there and he pretty much says what he wants...
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I'm wanting to make a vegetable bolognese (I'm not vegetarian) with onions, garlic, bell peppers, carrots and mushrooms. I'm not sure whether to keep it chunky, or should I cut these ingredients quite...
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Friday. Cooler outside this morning, we were warned it would be. I've got the Wee white Tornado taking up residence this morning, for a week. That's peace and quiet out the window then! Can't wait!...

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