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Mini Boo sprang on me this morning that she needs to make an Easter Bonnet for school tomorrow, which will be worn during assembly- which was nice of her... Anyhoo, in a blind panic I legged it to...
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jaffa cake
Am i dreaming or can you make up a packet of jelly and a packet of blancmange and when cool mix them together to set?
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I moved into my new bungalow about 14 months ago and my next door neighbour house which is a much older property has a tree about 3ft from our adjoining fence which is about 40/50 feet high. Half of...
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are you there doctor?! Am I right in thinking (I'm sure I've read it somewhere) that hairy moles are never cancerous? Only my father has a mole on his back, and he's just said to me it's itchy - I've...
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A good friend of mine is HIV positive. She has been for 3 years as her ex boyfriend was a druggy behind her back and bisexual. A sad story really I have always supported her in this situation. We...
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Wayne Rooney that ignorant little twit has once again made a fool of himself, if he wasnt a good footballer what other job do you think would suit him .? I think he would be unemployed....
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Dee Sa
who remembers the programme that was on the radio just before Billy Cotton every Sunday ? It was Big Bill Cambell and his Rocky Mountain Rhythm and his catch phrase was "mighty fine boys mighty...
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I would like to watch a semi--permanent link of a nest of eggs and the birds activity.
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grumpy . In our little street over the last few months , there has been extensive demolition and re -building of a property.There has been some inconvience and mess , but the local builders have been...
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along with my black lab Jet, they were very well behaved! Leah (the lady from whom I had the dog from) was so pleased that her dog had settled in just fine with my gang with no problems. It was lovely...
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.....something about you'd better tell him you love him or he'll go elsewhere - also has 'mandolin' in the lyrics. Anyone have an idea what the song is?? Cheers x...
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If all NHS patients can 'choose and book' where they'll be referred to see a specialist and could therefore get booked into a private clinic or establishment, what is the point of patients paying...
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younger son has moved out for a couple of days. He said he'll be back on Wednesday. (He's stopping at his autnie's round the corner) No argument between him, me and/or his dad. The four of us live...
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We haven't had one for a fortnight, so why not? First person with the right answer asks the next question. Q1. Jarlsberg is a cheese from which country?...
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In the states lots of places served whipped butter, how is it made ?
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...'cos it's a fabulous day here and I love to see a line of washing... but why do some people not hang their smalls on the line, only their outer clothing? I just don't understand it - everything's...
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Which are your favourite Pop/Rock intros? A couple that I like are the guitar intro to Hotel California and the saxaphone intro to Baker Street.
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The field that we are trying to turn into a garden was covered in brambles for over 40 years, I cut everything back to ground level. Some of the brambles are now coming back up, will they produce...
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consenting adults be accepted if pregnancy isn't possible?

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