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what does the 'O' stand for in O'clock?
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It's been depicted in films etc - an unsuited or ruptured-suited person in space swells up and explodes because of the differential pressure. Would this actually happen (as well as their asphyxiating...
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I am interested to know why it not possible for an object to travel faster than c. I am well aware of the formula called Tau, the factor by which mass, length and time are altered and you increase...
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since I was little , i have always counted from when the lightening flashed to when the thunder rolled, and the number i got to was how far away the storm was in miles, so if i counted to 10 it was 10...
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It seems like tomorrow, at 11:39:13 GMT, if at least 600,000,000 people jump in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth will go into a new, and "better" orbit. Can/will this really happen.
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With everything that is going on in the Middle East and parts of Africa in the name of god(s) surely we are at the stage in our understanding of science that there can't be any gods. What sort of god...
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China Doll
I asked this question in B&S but no one seems to know so I wonder... last night when carrying a couple of glasses of wine I swear it felt like there was a magnetic attraction drawing them together. I...
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In the same way that the gravity of the sun and the moon affect our tides, does the Earth and the moons gravity have any effect on the sun in a similair way?
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Can someone explain in fairly simple terms how transisters work and exactly what this pnp npn thing is all about please? Many thanks in advance.
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I came across an advert in the Daily Telegraph on Saturday for a combined pocket sized microscope/telescope. The thing looks like a short tube with an eyepiece at one end and a lens behind a...
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Hope someone understands this my daughter left some batteries in a remote controller, The acid leaked and erroded the springs that hold the + and - connection i have worked around it by putting metal...
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What is it about the moon that causes our tides?
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A drop is a drop. IS there such a thing as half a drop?
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Why is it that when i yawn whilst listening to music through headphones, the music seems to go flat (as in tuning - i.e. not sharp!)????
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What animals are excellent firefighting and why?
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Planet earth spins at circa 1000 mph. What is the power source for this?
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how does the wizadry work
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I would like some discs cut out of 3mm metal. They must be 22.5mm in diameter (need to be pretty accurate). Would this be something needed to be done by CNC machining. If any 1 can give mw a quote for...
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The Tree
why do we celebrate our 21st birthday.why not our 20th.why are all the other big birthday afterwards even?
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I'm trying to understand tne following description of the progress of the sun towards sunset. "Our house faces southwest. Right now (1 July), the sun is setting far to the north in the west, so our...

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