My tv has suddenly gone weird. The colours on the screen are all purple and green. Is there anything that can be done or am I now without a tv? :o(
Cheers for any help.
D xx
I mean ultimately, where did everything come from? Are there any theories other than God or Big bang? Theres got to be a source of everything? Hasn't there? I'm sure i remember from somewhere that at...
why has my user name just turned from green to black?.is it the omen in the phenomenon or is my pc playing up again?my ink cartridge seems full and i've got plenty free space on my hard drive.
why does it annoy some people when someone duplicates a question..they don't have to read it, subscribe to the thread, pay for using this site or any other decent reason I can think of. some people...
Why do some eejits on here give themselves 3 stars for responding to their own questions?? kind of takes away the value of the other replies doesn't it? arrogant and rather pathetic that they even...
Given that all matter is really energy condensed to a slow vibration, is there really such a thing as death or is it merely just a transition to another plane?
can anyone tell me how i can create my own profile on my computer for this site instead of using dumasfxxk all the time which is a name my mate put in when he was drunk and thought it was funny. but...
when you post a question, if a previous person has asked that question you no longer need to post it...................................... so if we get to the stage where every single question has...
Bit of an odd question, but...consider the tremendous weight of a building and it's pressure on the ground below it, with all the buildings on the earth, how come the sheer weight doesn't slow its...
Can anyone tell me whether it is more expensive to leave a light switched on for 10 mins or to keep knocking it on and off? I remeber being told that is cheaper to leave it on wheras my partner is...
Well looks like the majority of the country had snow last night. Choosing my words carefully, are we still allowed to say WHITE snow, or is this politically incorrect. Can you think of anything else...
Hey, I'm a grade seven in school, and my topic for a science fair is air's weight. Does anybody know an experiment that can show that air has weight? (P.S. If anybody's gonna suggest the pop can one,...