If God created the universe as opposed to something like a big bang, and evolution didn't happen as science claims it does, is there any physical evidence to back this up, I know the big bang is only...
how and why does the light from the millions of raindrops collect into one rainbow? confusion: millions of raindrops = 1 rainbow i could understand it if you just had some HUUGE raindrop, and the...
Does anyone else think that "God" was just something that was used as an excuse for not being able to explain the "big questions"? I mean, if you think about it, it was quite a good excuse for people...
Does anybody know of a good website that 'teaches' calculus and the other associated branches of maths needed to understand it? Would love some info on other maths websites for say Algerbra, geometry...
how is a rainbow formed? everyone says it is caused by the light fragmenting as it passes through raindrops, but that cant be the whole story. how does the fragmented light know to join up so that we...
I,ve just read in the paper of a school BANNING the cross on a hot cross buns, This is one of the historic traditions of the church of ENGLAND, apparently the headmistress did,nt want the children...
OK OK I know this is going to make me sound stupid, but what exactly do these people actually want?? Why are the terrorists so keen on murdering us? If they hate us so much why do they live in Britain...
I know this isn't "news" to anybody, but even when he's reading from a script, this man gets it wrong. To bolster support for his illegal wire-tapping, he described a planned attack on the "Liberty...
With religion being the pet subject of the week, It got me thinking, Imagine if their was no Religion, What would be the Biggest issue now, Maybe the colour of our skin ? 3rd world countrys ? Money...
I was wondering if it was just me who was infuriated by the claims of a muslim man on the ITV news yesterday. He said: ''If the Muslims insulted Christians there would be an up roar but when it comes...