I was hounded out of a job and fired by a very jealous black manager who then went on to fire most of the white staff and replace them with black people. Is this racism ?
Does anyone know how the accuracy of a radio controlled clock is proved.? The one we got boasts it's accuracy to be within a second in a million years.
Do any ABers believe in fate? I just wondered, because I'm going through a bit of a low patch at the moment. There is a threat of redundancies at work, which could prevent me getting my own place with...
How can a jigsaw puzzle fit so well together after all the shavings and dust that you find in the box have been lost? Why isn't there a small gap between all the pieces? Some of them fit together so...
I hope I don't sound silly asking this. Can somebody explain atoms to me? I understand how atoms are made up (protons, neutrons, electrons etc.) so logically do I even exist as a person? And what's to...
because time stops passing for something travelling at the speed of light. Presumably over time photons don't lose energy and start slowing down, because photons are light, and the speed of light is...
there's an orange star in what I think is the eastern sky at the moment - it's pretty bright and isn't particularly either high or low in the sky (wasn't sure if anyone would know by 'it's medium in...
Do men like women when they are helpless? might be a silly question, but still. i'm really independent, confident and do everything for myself and always have. but lately i've started to realise that...
The short version. I was at work on a customer site (basicly installing computer stuff). My work mate (the web master) and I were talking and the converstaion went on to cars, I said to him. Ok seb so...
I noticed that in one of my posts, when I used the symbol for ampersand it showed the symbol, then amp after it ( & ), but the rest of the post was OK. However, some people post questions that can...