I'm doing one of those quizzes where you name a chocolate bar or boxes, from some obscure clues!! I've 1 left to do but I'm at a loss, the clue is Chinese Game Thanks
Was anyone else lucky enough to meet LS Lowry. He attended one of our schools assemblies back in about1960 to 1962 as one of our "houses" was named after him, quite an honour for him as the other...
Due to circumstances beyond my control ,have not been able to concentrate on todays crossword . any help appreciated with any of the following . 1 , 2 ,7 ,13 down 11 , 14 , 29 across many thanks...
has anyone ever heard a story about french aristocracy in which a family all had a prominant chin. They kept interbreeding (i.e. first cousins wth first cousins etc) and the members of the family kept...
Was anyone else irritated and amazed by the total lack of general knowledge of the so-called "celebrities" on the Weakest Link this evening? The questions were even easier than they usually are for...
Hi, I'm really stuck on this quiz. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. All the clues are place names around the coast of mainland Britain (or within spitting distance). 1)...
13 left and run out of time almost..help please 1. Cornish window divider (7) 2. Sounds as if you'd better look out (7) 3. Full of despair (6) 4. Reddish-yellow (5) 5. Bass to defend this port (9) 6....
Local (Oxon) quiz - all we can find so far is = Quaking Grass; possibly some dialect name? No number of letters, just two words starting with D. Won't say 'Thanks in advance' etc - if anyone can help...
Answers are houseplants, garden plants and wildflowers. 1 a prudish 57 2 A late flowering supermarket chain 3 a prickly German wine and 4 do they live in rock pools? Help or clues greatly appreciated....
12a. unfashionable anaesthetist could be thirty-six.------/---b--. 18a. finance a foreign-sounding drunken reveller. ------n-----. 2d.isolated,but main loo has been refurbished.---/--/-/----.
Anyone know a rhyme for teaching children the nine planets? something similar to 'every good boy deserves fruit' which is used to teach musical notes would be good.
I know this is very vague, but I wonder if anybody can help me. I read a book years ago (I have read some since) and want to re-read it, but I Don't know what it is called or who the author is. I...
Has anyone got the answers to these Homophones? Thank you. Chairman Mao' book [2] wordsThief enters via a window [2] wordsMove St.Andrew sideways [2] words