19) while in possession of Scratch, rousing a divine spirit (7) A?S?L?S21) Expression of US approval, for Americans really like their takeaways (3,2,2) W?? ?O ?O25)Old distress call half-reflected...
Can anybody help with the following:
8 = W of HF
50 = WK on a P and 35BK
36 = C in E
40 = D & N of the G F
5 = L in a S
4 = C of the H
21 = S on a D
I used this word in a reply and couldnt understand why it was asterisked out.I posted another two replies to explain to ABers on the post what I was meaning to say.It just didnt dawn on me that such...
Famous person clue;- royal affair initials either JB or IC and the connection between a wizard; to eat and drink means having to (presume swallow) be quick and the slang for Rolls Royce (roller?) I...
Still having trouble with a few. Can anyone help? Bangers: 12. First force or Aircraft carrier (8 letters). Booze: 17. The Right Reverend (6 letters). 20. Bill's drunk on a bridge (7 letters). 23. The...
The consensus last week seemed to be that Hippolyta was correct but I see in this week's answers that the Tel have given Hippolyte. Would they have accepted Hippolyta?
Does anyone remember an advert which told of the origin of the V-sign (ie swearing)? It arose during the Battle of Agincourt (between the French and English.) When an English archer was captured by...
I sAw wRItiNg LiKe tHIs oN a HanDWriTtEn SigN oUtSidE a PRINTERS!! it only said 'back in 5 minutes' but still, not a good ad! usually only see it on greengrocers signs
religious official whose duty was to interpret natural signs in order to foretell whether the gods were pleased or displeased by a proposed course of action?