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mikey4444 This series has just started on the Horror Channel ! I haven't seen this since I was 15 years old.....very entertaining ! I really enjoyed it....pure...
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I have finally tracked one down, and I have to say that I like it ! Its crisp and clean, and you can see through it ! Lovely colours....turquoise !...
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mikey4444 Common sense prevails at last !...
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mikey4444 Why was this aid convoy attacked ? It was obvious that it was an aid convoy and now Red Crescent workers have been killed. What price the word...
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Whats going on ? I haven't been able to log on for ages !
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mikey4444 Looks like we are beginning to win the battle. Congrats to anyone who has given up recently !...
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I caught the tail end of an advert on LBC last night, about smart meters for your lecky. It said that everybody is entitled to a free one, from their energy provider. Does anyone know anything about...
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Someone has sent me a photo as an email attachment, to my iphone 6, and its come through load and clear. But how do I save this photo to my iphone "photos" thingy ?...
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Blimey....she has only been in the job for 5 mins and already she has put her foot in it !...
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So, at last they have admitted that these were terrorist attacks after all. But if they weren't the Usual Suspects, ie various Muslims nastys, then...
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24a....Avoid restaurant chairs except first and last....(3,2) EAT IN ? I can't parse this !...
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1d...Weak hints of willingness in many people yet....W?M?? 13d...Fire and harsh treatment knocking out second fashion item (4,5) S?C? D????...
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jubieanna...are you here this morning ? I crossed over the old Severn Bridge yesterday, and I noticed that the odd looking building is still there, just before you reach the bridge itself, going...
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mikey4444 Too little and too late. An increase from £100 to £200 is neither here nor there....ditto for the 6 points. "Earlier this week, a survey by the RAC suggested...
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How the ruddy hell do I post a BBC iplayer link on AB please !
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Can I recommend the following, for those that missed last night. If this link doesn't work, then just o to the BBC Iplayer and put Blitz Wales with John Humphrys in the search box....
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mikey4444 I never thought I would see this kind of sentence. Its far too lenient as far as I am concerned, but at least its a move in the right...
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NJ....I am not sure if you are an Archers fan at all....I have never seen you in any of the many threads. But can you help with the query ? A few days ago, Helen Archer was acquitted on the charge of...
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mikey4444 At last, Mrs May appears to have made her mind up....
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17a.....Resistance absent in defeat....R?U? 26a...State leader shivering, catching cold....D?C????...

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