Mikey bemoaned the poor use of English by a single Tesco employee ( http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/ChatterBank/Question1468296.html ) but I wonder if anyone else here has noticed that every Morrison's...
I had some last minute bits to buy and headed off to the shops. I was wearing an opal ring and as I went to pick something off a shelf, I caught the ring on the metal shelf edge and the opal flew out....
Oscar Pistorius is guilty of the murder of Reeva Steenkamp
The culpable homicide verdict is set aside.
Pistorius must return to the Pretoria high court for a new sentence....
Should AB have a new topic heading, not underneath news (the graveyard which is 'Politics' and 'Current Affairs'), but a main header: Immigration/Migrant news? I always thought that in the run up to...
a big black,ugly hairy thing,nearly gave me a heart attack,the biggest I,ve seen yet.ran under the couch and I haven't seen it since,but I'm on my guard ????
Just replaced the black ink cartridge (new Kodak, not a refill etc), and the colour one is showing as 2/3 full, but when printing out a letter it is skipping every second line. Was working okay before...
Shut this week?
It seem that someone has crunched the numbers and that the rickshaw operator who charged £206 for a 1 mile journey was actually cheaper than the journey claimed on expenses by Bercow for a journey in...
Can anyone recommend a good site which does not charge too much postage please? Sorry I know this should be in Beauty but not many people seem to visit there.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-33516713 Who says the SNP are anti English :-) Someone had to stand up for the majority of the English against this rather shabby attempt...
This morning, I had a telephone call from (0019372470349) and an Asiatic gentleman said something along the lines of " I am speaking on behalf of Microsoft Computer Monitoring Services and have to...
The Nepalese government have refused to allow the three RAF helicopters to be used in rescue and delivering aid. Anybody know why? our government and the United nations don't seem to know....