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I am on Continuous/Sequential HRT (Femoston 1/10) - due to awful Night Sweats and Menopause symptoms (its fantastic!) - The HRT brings back a regular monthly bleed. How will I know when I am actually...
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I have been taking HRT for 2 months now for horrendous Menopause symptoms (I am 50) - Estrogen and Estrogen/Progesterone - it started working within days and has been brilliant for hot flushes, aching...
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Ladies year 3 into PeriMenopause. Periods spanning every 3 months now for the last 2 years. Awful hot flushes and night sweats stopped in January. 50 in October. Am I nearly in Menopause...?x...
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Had an assessment for a new Doctors yesterday, however I hate having my BP taken (White Coat Syndrome) - and of course the BP was reading high. 5 times she tried but I kept telling her that I don't...
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So last night I turned the TV/Sky on in my bedroom and the Honeywell Tower Fan located next to the TV - came on at the same time !? Really freaky. Not used the fan in about a year and the remote to...
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A child with Special Needs falls when being assisted in boarding or alighting a school Minibus and hits their head - what is the correct procedure for the PA and Driver to follow ?
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I have tried these twice before and failed ! Worn contact lenses since 17 and love them. However now in my late 40's I cannot read clearly close up with normal contacts. One Optician said to get used...
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I suffer with Spondlyosis in my upper back. The last few days all of my spine legs and arms feel tight and twitchy. During the night for the last few nights my back seems very "restless" as if I...
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Well these hot flushes are getting much worse... hot all night. Always have a massive hot flush in the morning, racing heart - go into a panic mode for about 15 minutes. Body constantly aches and...
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Been having night sweats for about 6 weeks and in the mornings. Age 47 could this be the Menopause so sudden? Periods went from 28 to 23 days for the last 3 years but this month nothing yet at 33...
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Pain in neck and shoulder with tingling in fingers and upper left hand...I sit on a PC all day also have spondylosis c3-c6 which seems to be getting more sensitive. Better when lying flat in bed..but...
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I am having a trial on Multi Focal Contacts. Same prescription as my normal contacts but the near distances is MID. Optician said they can take up to 6 weeks to get used to ?? I was getting to the...
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Into my 4th day of having a stye under my eyelid causing swelling soreness. Pharmacist recommended Golden Eye ointment for Styes which I have been using. I have also been using 1% Golden Eye...
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A new boss has just landed me with an extra job of setting up a Receipts Cashbook and a Payments Cashbook... which is fine with different headers etc... but he has also added 2 other tabs on Excel for...
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My Son's Orthodontist said she wants to refer him to a ENT specialist as he has dark circles under his eyes and breathes through is mouth as if his nose is blocked - she said this is a sign of lack of...

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