Am I the only person in the world who finds this man moronic. I really don't see what people like in him. He certainly isn't the comedian he seems to think he is.
If a cheque is given to me made out to 'cash' instead of my name, is it correct that a bank will cash it immediately for me? Need an answer really soon if you can help! Thanks guys!
My boss has agreed that next year I can do some work based training to prevent me leaving the company. The problem is i don't know what kind of course to do. Someone told me you can get free work...
I need to make some halloween stylee snacks to take to work on Monday (yes we are all rather childish). Any ideas what I can make that going to be fairly cheap and easy without costing me a forutne?
In the new year I am desperate to go down a new career path but dont know what to do. Is there any websites I could post my CV (or anyone here who would look at it) and give me some tips on what...
ok this is quite embarrasing but stuff it, none of you know me. anyway, I have a problem with excess body hair. I know lots of women have little mustaches (sp) and the off bit of hair but I get hair...
Has anyone else seen this film? It was quite possibly the worst film I have ever had the misfortune of seeing! The acting was terrible, I couldnt work out if there was a story line and dont get me...
I had my hair coloured last week (just a dark brown) but I have a little dandruff. Just wandered if i use some head and shoulders will it have any effect on the colour?
Hi Ed! What about getting a catagory for q's and chat about the world of celebdom. Seem to be lots of Q's about celebraties and I was just thinking of adding one myself but wasn't quite sure where to...
I've noticed there are so many programmes on at the moment telling people how to dicipline their children and how to raise them. I'm not a parent so maybe I just don't get it but why is it that people...
In last months Top Gear mag, they gave away a free set of Cool Wall fridge magnets. I really want some but cant find anywhere. Tried Ebay but there are only 2 on their and the prices are fairly high...