I would like to know what are some of the weirdest, funniest websites people have come across, particularly those homemade ones about weird hobbies and pastimes.
Does a phobia have to exist for there to be one? I found a website with a list of Phobias on it, and some of them are beyond bizarre! Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions? Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of...
How come phasers always fire in a straight line and they dont wave them about an get everybody ,if one stood in the middle of a football stadium and done a 360 how many people would it singe?
I really want the program by Discreet called Plasma. Dont want to get it from a P2P program as im a good boy - any ideas and of the price?? I know you can get it in the US but ive checked UK website...
What things have come and gone that you wish they still made? Not necessarily just food and drink, for instance, I remember Close Up toothpaste that they don't make anymore and as far as toothpaste...
when i bought my book shelf speakers, i bought a pair of stands at the same time, the stands came with advice to fill with lead shot or kiln dried silica sand...any body know where to get some from...
What's the stupidest thing / fact you ever been told by another person?? Mine is that the M25 is called so as it takes 25 hours to drive round. Longer than the earth takes to orbit the sun.
What film did this film quote come from I thought you'd like to be the first person to know i've got the tapes' please answer fast theres a mac donalds in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone has a claim to fame - no matter how small or big, so whats yours? Mine is that I lived opposite Rod Stewarts sister when I was grwoing up (my parents still live there) and Rod used to park...
my son is doing a project on space and inbetween the informative bits he fancies putting in unsual fact or jokes, anyone good got any? have to be clean i'm afraid cos he is only 8yrs!