Just taken Tigger to the vets and it looks like she has something stuck down her throat from last week. She is going to be anesthetised so that the vet can check down the back of her throat so I've...
Just heard this on the radio and right away it made me think of gravitate. Well you know how he loves his japanese videos . Well cuddle up to this gravy. " A cuddle costs nothing but pays dividends. "...
there are farmers land around where we live, recently, we always can hear gun shooting, my bf told me farmers are shooting rabbits.are they allowed to do? quite annoying those noise and poor...
i always hear people say what food their dog mad with, like cheese, pasta etc. i never really gave my dog big amount human food,occassionally some cooked chiken or piece of whatever we have in hand as...
any1 know of any good places where can get nice jeans and trousers thats not low waisted (as i have probs with my hips) but in small size like 6 or 8? thanx.x