What can I do to tone my bum? It got big in the last coupla months. I already go to the gym & do classes so I guess I just need to taylor what I do to my specific problem!
On the story of the 9 year old girl with the brain age of a 3 month old who has been featured on the news today? If you havent heard this story, basically the parents have given the go ahead for her...
I was brought a bird this morning by my 3 cats, it is a smallish bird, and looked so dazed and confused. I had to chase it around my house this morning to catch it, it was bleeding a bit from its...
Hi, im looking into getting a cat in the future but i dont know much about their social activities. I just wondered is it better to get 1 or 2? I love cats so wouldnt mind having 2 at all, i jsut...
Just sitting in the office, in the City of London and having a decision about London tube stations; what's your favourite and why? One of the girls says Kings Cross, because of Harry Potter And one of...
do you ever have one of those days...... here's mine so far 1. after a night of little sleep, i know how you imsomniacs must feel now, i got up at 7am, after a 30 minute nap, only to wake up annoyed...
I went for a fitness check up @ my gym last night, and my body fat percentage is 28% (although sounding alarmingly high, I am told for a woman this is healthy). My boyfriend has a body fat percentage...
I met my girlfriend 6 months ago in my gym. I really liked her from the start. Our relationship has been quite hectic, seeing as I am 19 and she is 32. Her associates, especially people online...
I have had this small boil like thing on my left leg near my groin, I didn't have a white head or anything but I decided to squeeze all the same. This is the nasty bit..... when I did a puss substance...
According to the BBC BMI (body mass index) calculator i have a BMI of 29.10 which is classed as overweight, 30 or greater is classed as obese, but i dont feel that i am that close to being obese....
It is a special wedding anniversary this year and instead of having a party Mr Jules and I fancy going to Vegas, but we are unsure how long we would need there to do it justice ie take in a show(s),...
Is anyone else going to the Celeb big brother opening tomorow in london to see them all going into the house? Im supposed to be going but not sure if to go its a 3 hour drive, im broke, its cold and...
Does anyone know who I could possibly contact to get my grandparents some kind of award for their amazing kindness and dedication to people. They are 87 and 90 years old, they still deliver meals on...
when is the best time to take your decorations down, can't wait to take mine down, getting on my nerves down, the lounge will look so bare without them.
The arrest of the second suspect, who used to run a pub in Norwich's red-light district 40 miles from Ipswich, has rekindled interest in the murder of two Norwich prostitutes and the disappearance of...