Change just the one word or letter of a BOOK title. If it rhymes with the original, but still makes sense, all the better. Also, so that we know what the original title is, please type the original...
Village shop had the fantastic sausages in again so it was sausage, chips and beans tonight. I've only ever liked Heinz or Branston beans. After reviews Dave decided to give the Lidl beans a try. To... How long have those people been waiting for surgery? How many may well now die without...
I couldn’t watch the final episode of Happy Valley this evening so recorded it. I thought I’d pop in to AB but spoilers everywhere! Grrr
Bye, back when I’ve caught up....
Too tired tonight to be a night bird. I managed to fall asleep 10 mins, before the end of Happy Valley! Just caught up on it. Brilliant ending. Why did I feel sorry for Tommy?...
I have been watching the Drama channel, and enjoying Are you being served?, Some mothers do ave em, and Last of the Summer wine all on every evening. All classics that are great to see again. Are...
Never ever have fast food these days... Just ordered KFC, truth is I am too sore to stand in the kitchen and cook. I will have the coleslaw, and ditch the fries but it's still a dreadful meal choice....
I've never watched even a single episode but I'm hearing so much praise for it now I'm thinking perhaps I missed something. Did I - and should I watch from the very beginning (if it's available)?
If humans last as long as the average mammalian species, and no mass extinctions or catastrophes occur, then 99.5% of humans who will ever exist are yet to be born.
There is no right or wrong answer to this, I would just be interested in what others did or would do in these circumstances. Only daughter is getting married. The couple have arranged all the wedding...