...to help take your mind off something you don't want to think about? I've done so much cleaning over the last few days and read lots of magazines. I've tried coming on here, but it doesn't feel the...
ive decided. im gonna havea cupasoup as im a tad peckish. whats your fave cupasoup ? Or what do you have when you feel a tad peckish but dont feel like piggin out?
Good morning I am very pleased to announce that redcrx gave birth to a 9lbs 6ozs baby girl at 2.40am. Labour 1hr 50 mins and almost delivered in car park. All redcrx's doing well. Am so proud of her...
Heres one for ya, your an office cleaner,who starts work 10 pm to midnight, on the way to work one day on a friday your listening to the radio, and for some reason you memorize the winning lottery...
My mum just rang me and my cat has been killed, she got run over tonight. I know some people may think it's silly, but I loved her. I'm so upset right now, I just wanna be at home with her :o(
Senior ones even -effing jobsworth creeps -would be cops with their snazzy bulletproof vests -well now I know why they need them !!!!!! Renovating a flat -access on a pedestrionised part of the city...
http://www.moremagazine.co.uk/celebrity/news/s tory.asp I thought she was awful before but after seeing this picture I have an even lower opinion of her now!!!
whos fed up?? kids go back on monday and it really doesn't feel like 2weeks! want to go back on my hols! watching 'this morning' anyone else watching it?? xxx
You can either have a steak and fried onion baguette, a chicken breast, crispy bacon and garlic mayo baguette or a roasted mediterranean veg bagette smoothie, juice or coffee/tea caramel cake or...
.............................................. Your 4 year old asks you what sort of Dinosaur this is in the picture. When you say you dont know they reply with "but you must do mummy, when you was a...