Now I wake up with eye bogies all the time, and I have always called these sleep. But when I said I had sleep in my eye the other morning no-one knew what I was on about. I have asked numerous people...
I just simply needed to have a very rare screaming fit and simply felyt the urge to be heard by somebody, somewhere......ok, I've now done it so please all do carry on with what you were all doing -...
Does everyone dred Xmas or are you looking forward to i a tiny bit? What is the specific thing you look forward to the most about it? Is this related to your childhood experiences?
just found out i have got v.i.p tickets to the mtv european music awards party at sound in london, and was wondering whats the best thing you have ever won?
Hello all, I have broken up with my long term partner a few months ago. I want to get on with my life, but I'm not sure what to do next with regards meeting someone. I have never been good at the...
my ebay shop will be getting alot of new items in on thursday. I was asked about ABers getting discounts, That could be arranged on certain items. U would have to message me first on Ebay with your AB...
send me a message through ebay and i will reply. whiffey has forgotten 2 take his/her medication. What puzzles me is why anyone would want 2 pretend to be me?
You know me, I never brag but I just thought I'll tell you that today I have spent ?270,000. I am quite chuffed with myself. Sorry. If anybody can guess what on, I will buy them a box of choccies with...
My son keeps calling me a b1tch. As i'm a househusband this is getting really annoying and confusing. I then punish him by turning the tv off or taking his toys of him, he knows its not right to say...