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I didn't think it was possible for one person to be called all four, in the space of two days! Short people call me tall, my best friend who is over 6 ft calls me short (as a joke though), thin people...
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Using punctuation plus conjunction words, how many ways can these three words be interprited as a phrase or short sentence?
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. . . . . for not replying to anyone that posted in the last few minutes, until tomorrow, good bye.
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Was the take that song really about manchester? Im thinking about going to an owl city gig in manchester and just looked on the maps, and the nearest main road is mancunian way!
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Where's the best place to buy fabric paints from? will wilkinson have them? Plus, can you mix them to get different shades of similar colours? and once you've applied them, do you let them dry, then...
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Do you know anyone who is unfortunate to be born with a silly name? Pat Mycock George Michael jackson...
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How do I directly contact them? If I post something on the messageboard is it possible they will pick it up or is there a way of emailing them?
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They are one of the few things from mcdonalds i can eat but aparantly they have something rediculous like 1000 calories because of all the icecream. Is this true?
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Why do people thinks its odd if i stop posting at 9 or 10 in the morning? Perhaps it had never crossed your mind that i have a life and go out with my friends and cadets and not spend all of my...
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. . . here's that other thread which isn't relevant to the rowing you asked for. The following things are genetic, some of which have been passed down through my family, (some are obviously more...
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My mum does ebay and has loads of books in this room. I just glanced over and saw one that was written by some one with what i tohught was my name! But the first name is one letter different and i...
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How come its my forearms that hurt the most when its the upper arm i moved the most yesterday?
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Have any of you got a recipe for paella that doesn't take an hour to cook? Its delicious but i can't be doing with standing up for a whole hour making it and I only ever do it for 2 people, not a...
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it came up, suggesting i know someone on facebook who happens to be my now ex teacher. To start with i didn't realise it was him as if i'm not sure if i know a person i look at their profile, and see...
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. . . on the river Waveney, anyone can come along and watch but if you want to take part you have to be under eighteen and be wearing sports gear and be a sea cadet.
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my dad was checking his emails and one was titled ; do you want a free stripper? plus it was from the address [email protected] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
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Because the proof is flawed, why do people still bother with it? if you do it with numbers, it doesn't work but if you do it with letters then it kind of does, until you realise that you are dividing...
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would you find a poem where a dad is homophobic (and says 'you bl00dy queer' amongst other things) to his son, offensive? I'm now looking through my anthology to find it but I think its by Carol Ann...
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is it really necessary to get that many? my maths teacher said he had a chinese girl who came to england when she was 10, barely speaking english. When she left school when she was 16, she had 19 a*s....
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This is also stressing me out aswell. So far i've had 6 of my gcse exams and found them easy, including the one that everyone expects to be hardest, triple chemistry. However, normally when i find...

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