am somewhat out of touch with what goes on in primary and secondary schools these days so perhaps someone can enlighten me. do all state schools still have a morning assembly which includes some sort...
That guy's online on facebook. Should I chat to him? But what do i say? I don't want to sya something silly and someone else is there with him . . . . BTW we never arranged to go somewhere this...
When I move my jaw, I can hear a weird kind of low pitched sqeaking noise in my right ear. If I do it in a rhythm then it sounds similar to when you hear a heart beat throught a stephoscope (spelling...
I never told you that i got a good curry recipe, plus i've tried it out and it's dead easy and healthy. My brother showed me how to cook one when I went to his, and I wrote down the recipe (except i'm...
I'm 48 and I've never had children but I'm astonished at the rubbish I see advertised on the TV aimed directly at children.There are 'deals' from KFC, McDonalds, Burger King etc - and they look...
I plan to cook some chips in a deep fryer. If I sort of half cook them, and then finish them about 4 hours later, would they taste ok? I can raise the basket out of the oil so they wouldn't be sitting...
I have been given a big bag of cooking apples and I thought I would try making something out of them but I found peeling them a difficult chore. So I've been experimenting with different ways of doing...
Can you understand how a 17 year old guy, who is dead gorgeous, tall, with dark hair and eyes, who is intelligent, kind, funny and works out at the gym (he has nice pecks, arms and legs) has never had...
Mum still hasn't given me access to the account which I now should have access to. When we went into the bank the person said to get the most out of it put it in this certain kind of account, for...
Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace, Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go, Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for...
hi my name is jen i was about to walk down to the local shops to ask if there was any job vacancys and my sister said i cant get a job without a cv but i am only on year 9 so i havent got any gcses or...