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webbo3 As a Councillor he really...
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Reports show children as young as eight could be told they can be a boy, a girl or neither, under draft lesson plans backed by the Scottish Government. And in resources for how to teach RSHP –...
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ToraToraTora ....Notting Crimaval to look forward too!...
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ToraToraTora So he's pleaded guilty, how long will he get? 10 years, out in 5? What then, wait till he actually does kill people? Can he be kept inside somehow?...
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Mine is 'Sometimes they come back again'- most hysterically funny attempt at a horror ever.
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Dear Editor When one clicks on a latest post, is there any way that one can be taken to the last page of that particular thread rather than the first? I have requested this on numerous occasions to...
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Under a fairly new law, constituents can sack their MP and trigger a by-election. They need 10% of the electorate to make this happen. Voters in Ian Paisley’s seat are now being invited to visit...
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All the jews going on about how James Corbyn is anti-Semitic, I disagree! Anything to distract from Brexit!! My concern would be the persecution of the Palestine people.You don't hear much about their...
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Michael Morpurgo argues it's time to think again over Brexit. "It is surely time to accept that we have made a mistake", he writes, "that whichever way we voted, things are not turning out the way we...
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Article about housing on Newsnight, showed a woman whose 7 year old son was having an asthma attack and his inhaler was ineffective. She tried to get him to the hospital to be put on a nebuliser, but...
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IE, songs from TV adverts, films in the background.. Songs you love but never discovered the origin, i'll kick start: Radical Face - Welcome Home - Camera Advert...
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…says Patrick Minford professor of economics at Cardiff University and chair of the Eurosceptic Economists for Free Trade group....
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Awwwww bless. Poor old Barry. The chuckle brothers appealed to my inner child and I found them funny on an escapist level....
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........"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" ''You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat '' "Infamy...Infamy.....they've all got it in for me!", Your Turn...
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ToraToraTora If the authorities were not terrified of being labelled with a "phobia" or an "ism"?...
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...why didn't their candidate for president show his opponents a clean pair of heels?
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Another example of lily-livered *** not standing up to a bullying government (actually it was Thatcher and her rate-capping that started it). I’d bet the people of Northamptonshire would gladly...

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