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I have two pear trees which have not yet fruited - the leaves have developed bright orange spots and some of them are blackening at the edges - are they being attacked by bugs or is it a disease?...
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my friend is having a tarts and vicars party what sort of nipples should we have ( oooh sorry nibbles) its my job to get the cake shall i go for the traditonal birthday cake or something different...
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AB Asks
There are only 340 comprehensive schools left. They have been replaced by specialist schools, academies and grammar schools. Are you sad to see the back of the comprehensive school? Is it a good idea,...
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Is it 16 or 18? Was thinking about the sale of alcohol you see.... Many thanks for all help
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what do you like to wear for your bloke in the bedroom mine would have to be school uniform or nurse
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I usually get loads of phone calls in the morning from the creche, from my GP, etc, but for some reason they have dropped off of late. Is there a number, like 1471 for last call received, that I can...
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Ive just had a cold call from a company offering an insurance package that will pay out should I ever become a sufferer of one of the 8 female cancers. I told her i already had adequate critical...
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I have that many candidates on my (imaginary) list it is quite funny lol
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do you like it
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How do u get rid of them? ta x
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What shall i get my Mum for her 50th birthday? She doesnt like pampering, we are going to Africa for her birthday, so a trip is out the question, she doesnt wear jewellery and i bought her a beautiful...
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What pals around with cats on a rainy day?
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Where does the saying you think your archie come from?
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its my son's 1st birthday in 3 weeks i have got him a few small presents so far but need some more but have run out of ideas can anyone tell me what they sort of things he will be intrested in in the...
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Or did you try to avoid confrontation and let others make fools of themselves?
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Read this and please explain why he is not swinging.... ire/6260492.stm
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which relative lives in a hill?
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My daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl just less than two years ago. We have her as babysitters each Saturday night. The father wants nothing to do with her (although he is willing to pay...
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Has anyone ever tried them? I find them to be addictive little buggas.

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