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What did you have for your sunday meal. was it a roast?? left over takeaway? we are having turkey roast with minted potatoes. Im allso cooking a beef curry for tomorrow evening to save time.i wont be...
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Watched a bit of Neil Diamond at Glastonbury on TV this afternoon. What a refreshing change to watch some real talant unlike the shambolic offering of that useless piece of walking human excrement...
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define an Ugly woman...
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Ok, i just want your opinions on if i'm being petty ect. My parents live abroad (lets say France) so me and my mate just went out there to visit them. (cheap holiday for the both of us) Anyways, to...
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Why are ITV holding a 90th birthday celebration of Mandela? I've never seen them do it for any other politician! No, really. Why? I know many people have elevated him to demi-god status, and perhaps,...
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How do you like a mans chest? hairy, smooth, if hairy, how hairy, a little or lots? What does it for you ? Blokes, what are your opinions on this too? Do you have a hairy chest, if you do, do you like...
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My 13yr old daughter has asked me some questions about the bible and religion and i'm not quite sure how to answer them. I do not believe in God but have brought her up to always respect the views and...
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speculate when wearing undergarment 6 letters -n-e-r
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Does anyone know if the avarage speed cameras around the Uxbridge area of the A40 actually work? I've been though it at about 50 and haven't received a ticket and also how could they work in the dark?
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Anybody got any idea where this is, the name of it and how you can book a table? Thanks
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Ours are occupied by OAP sikh men who sit on the benches all day......not polite enuf to offer seat to others, who may want to rest awhile. Because of their constant park occupation, the birds are...
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Describe yourself in 5 words :)
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Thinking of getting the old shape type R. anything i should look out for especially? Thanks
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I can't understand all this fuss about "evil" joseph fritzel. As I remember the last time an austrian hid his young lover and 7 children from the authorities, the story was turned into the most...
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dad has disabled lines painted outide house by the council he has a drive to park onto but the neighbours both sides are parking right up tp the lines and as he is disabled is finding it very hard to...
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Apparently they are flying in food aid for victims of the earthquake in South-Western China... Battersea dogs home is completely out of stock, in response to the emergency.
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no surprise in manchester last night, the mc losers were in town forgetting all their inherent troubles by getting p!$$?d (if that was a sport they would at least be champions of something), to make...
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Hi, i have and have for many years had a very spotty bottom, ive tried the brush thats meant to help with the circulation and stop them from breaking out but there still there, is tere anything else i...
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China has had a 'one child per family' policy for many years now. After the tragic earthquake this week where it unfortunately looks like hundreds of families are now childless due to schools...
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I have been with my partner for approx 6 months, the problem is his parents, he still lives at home (he is 30) with his parents, and on the other hand I have my own house and 2 children. When he told...

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