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Does anyone know how oftern they get the sex of the baby wrong/right on ultra sound scans?
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most of u on here have heard about my son (harrison) aka baby grape right was on the bus today and baby grape wanted one of his toys and i wouldn't give it to him til he said please (only took him...
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I saw this on the way to work this morning, and it always worries me, from watching those 999 programmes over the years I do know from experience the only time the driver pulls over and leaves the...
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Im not pregnant, i have had periods, slightly irregular but none the less periods. I have been feeling something in my left side of my stomach, its like a twitch, but feels the same as a baby kicking...
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My 84 yr old mil has cancer of the throat which is terminal. All the family know, officially, she has 6-8months left. She thinks possibly 2 years. Should we tell her? Thoughts please friends
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Title asks it all really - what are your best preferences for B & B recipes?
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My kids (12,8, and 5) are starving as soon as they get in from school, I encourage them to have fruit or yogurts, so not to ruin their appetite for tea around 5pm ish, but they claim this does not...
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was just wondering if anyone has put a claim in for white finger(working with vibrating tools) if so how much did they recieve
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I ovulated 17 days ago and was expecting to come on on Monday. I have done 2 negative pregnancy tests but there is still no sign of a period. I just feel 'normal'. I thought a period always arrived 14...
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Could there be a link between a baby's allergies and the mothers diet during pregnancy? My 13 week old daughter is formula fed and isn't putting on much weight she is constantly sick. The HV says...
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i work in a small care home and work night duty, due to the fact that it is a small home im the only one there during the night with someone on call should there be a emergency with a resident. its in...
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I heard from my friend at lunch who was having an early scan due to previous problems and she txt saying 'they could not find anything so could be I've got dates wrong and I'm only 4 weeks or I;ve...
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I'm just over four months pregnant and trying to stop. It's so hard and i'm still smoking around 8 a day. I used to smoke 20 a day. I have cut down a lot. I know its selfish, but can't seem to stop....
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Hi everyone it will be 14 days after conception (if it happened!) tomorrow. Would a test give the correct result or is it still too early? I did a test on Fri that was supposed to work 4 days b4...
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Hi there, me and my husband are planning another baby, we both work, and i was wondering when i could return to work after the birth by law? i know it's 9 month maternity leave but can you go back...
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im wondering if anyone knows where the law stands with regards to a mother and son who live in the uk but the father lives in usa. where does the mother stand with regards to maintenance? is she stuck...
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I am coming up to 12 weeks pregnant and in a real situation.... I have a child already who currently lives with his father and is 4 this month. I amwith someone else currenlty not yet divorced but we...
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i posted only the other day to explain how rough i was feeling!! still the same, but i have gone off all meat and cant stomach anyrthing!! i have eaten only sweet things for days now!! i cant stomach...
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im 22weeks pregnant i was working but becus i have a pubis dissfunction which means my pelvis has softend to much in pregnancy and have been in hospital 3 times since i found out i was pregnant i had...
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Hi everyone you might think im being shallow but im really worried, Im pregnant with my first child to a man i adored and thought we'd be together forever, supose everyone thinks that dont they???...

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