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Christians - why do you believe dogma that history proves is man-made?
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The government's latest crime-cutting idea is to monitor children from birth to identify future offenders. It could involve assessing children at key educational stages, and logging details of...
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I read that a child always inherits its father's blood group. Is that correct?
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Question their sweeping statements with logical argument and they disappear completely until something else comes up. If they're so sure of their subject, why don't they answer?
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I've solved most of the clues, but I'm finding No. 26 a real stickler. I'm not looking for the answer, but for someone to tell me they have solved this one just to give me a little hope!!!
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What a clever way to create disharmony between men - invent religion and tell believers to convert the sinners!
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When posting an answer on Answerbank, why do some people's names appear in green? How do they do that?
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If you do, she's introduced herself on the "Quoting the Bible" thread.
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Leading on from Legend's question on young people killing each other, do you think it would help if we adopted the style of policing that New York has adopted? New York had a big problem with gang...
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Following on from the discussion on ghosts, I have asked several times for an explanation of Jesus's encounter with Moses, but have yet to get an answer. Moses died long before Jesus was born, so must...
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Why do some people who have found religion continually quote the bible? Do they think it authenticates their belief, or do they quote other people's words because they feel their own won't stand up to...
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The projected cost of hosting the Olympics has now trebled. Would it have been better if London hadn't won the bid?
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Have you ever seen a ghost, and if so what did it look like, where do you think it came from - and were you afraid? I'd be interested to hear your experiences.
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Have you ever had an out-of-body experience, and if so, can you describe it , and how do you think it happened?
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Does the wearing of a copper bracelet really help alleviate the pain and swelling of arthritis?
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Have you noticed that whenever a controversial question is asked, we all plough in with out own ideas and it's never long before we forget what we're supposed to be answering? If you look at almost...
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If eternal damnation to hell is the punishment for non-Christians, are those who have never heard of Christianity, primitive jungle tribes for example, condemned to hell too - or does the Christian...
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Why did god need to visit the ten plagues on the Egyptians in order to force the Pharoah to set the Israelites free from slavery? If he is all powerful and almighty, couldn't he have just freed them...
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I read yesterday that, if required to, Prince Phillip has categorically refused to give evidence at the Diana inquest. Are the Royal Family above the law?
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If Jesus was the only begotten son of god.(John 3:16), who were the sons of god mentioned thousands of years before he was born in Genesis 6:2?

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